Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Could someone please tell me where the undershorts are??
Please don't tell me it's time to clean the musty closets and under the beds again, I swear to you I did that LAST WEEK and found no undershorts. Apparently it's time to gut Cam's room again (when he puts laundry away, his interpretation is take the heap, hide it all behind the bedroom door).
I suppose it's time to buy the monster pack of Hefty Trash Bags again, because every time we sort through ALL of the clothing in every nook and cranny of the house, we get rid of 1/3 of all that we have (too small, too holey, too stained, too *oh dear me where did that inappropriate garment come from* - you get the picture).
Laugh. I know you will, but I know that I'm not the only one this happens too (I had a friend once confess that twice annually she THROWS AWAY the entire sock bucket and just goes out and buys ALL NEW SOCKS because it's REFRESHING and LIBERATING).
{{no photo will be posted on the topic of undershorts.}}
**On a side note, does anyone have a cure for firebutt? The children are now thinking the 2 pack of large jars of Greek Pepperoncini might have been a bad idea.**
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
I am again caught up with my 365 Scrap

At any rate, it's fun keeping up with this project (and I will eventually fill in the blanks with other photos from these days/months - so each month will have it's own *volume* in the scrapbook series).

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday...real life
The clock was wrong, so we were EARLY to church...but had hurried and missed breakfast, so we drove through Taco Bell and went down to the California Street Dock.
Had a great service, saw the *torch* of the Youth Leader be passed from Michael who's on his way to special training before he deploys to Iraq in Bill. It's an emotional time at Landmark, as Michael prepares to deploy.
Then tea. Wish I could tell you we all agreed on one flavor...but no. Abby wanted chai. I'm feeling more green than black chai sweet today. And Kurt, he wanted coffee. So we are breaking in the new little orange was cute. It came with a brew basket. It was orange. How do you tell it, NO - I CAN'T BUY YOU?? Well, if you are me, you don't :) You just buy it and pretend you NEEDED another teapot (help me Angie, now is when I need your help...)(it's worse than just the orange one, but the others, well they are at someone else's place until they decide which one(s) they want to keep).
Photos...and the rest will be at winkflash soon - the ones with E or e at the end - those are edits